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Chpt. 6 Test

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Chapter 6 Test: The United States becomes a World Power



Completely fill in the scantron box that corresponds with the correct answer.  Do not write on the test.



  1. Throughout most of the late 19th century, Americans enjoyed “free security” which included:
    1. Wide oceans as buffers
    2. Military weak neighbors in the Western Hemisphere
    3. British Navy situated between America and powers of Europe
    4. All of the above


  1. The belief that the United States had the right and duty to bring progress and democracy to the entire Western Hemisphere is called:
    1. Imperialism
    2. Isolationism
    3. Manifest Destiny
    4. The Open Door


  1. The Imperialist Theory was similar to the theory of:
    1. Expansionism
    2. Darwinism
    3. Evolution
    4. Manifest Destiny


  1. President McKinley named four major reasons of Imperialism. They include:
    1. Power, Commerce, Ethnocentrism, Altruism
    2. National Honor, Ethnocentrism, Greed, Natural Resources
    3. National Honor, Commerce, Racial Superiority, Altruism
    4. Power, Greed, Natural Resources, Racial Superiority


  1. Mark Twain’s “King Leopold’s Soliloquy” is a story that:
    1. Attacks Belgium’s role in suppressing the people of the Congo
    2. Opposes the annexation of Cuba
    3. Opposes Theodore Roosevelt’s theory of New Imperialism
    4. Attacks America’s role in the Philippines


  1. Seward’s Foley was the name given to:
    1. Russia’s decision to sell Russian America
    2. America for purchasing Russian America
    3. James Buchanan’s administration for refusing the purchase of Russian America in 1861
    4. The treaty signed which promised citizenship to the people of Russian America but not statehood


  1. Queen Liliuokalani wanted to:
    1. Annex Hawaii to the United States
    2. Have an Open Door Policy in Hawaii
    3. Restore Hawaii to the Hawaiians
    4. Stop trading sugar with the Americans


  1. The U.S. urged an Open Door Policy in Africa which would:
    1. Allow all countries to trade equally in West Africa
    2. Allow all countries equal rights to gain land in Africa
    3. Restore Africa to the Africans
    4. Allow all countries to intervene in African affairs


  1. The Monroe Doctrine asserted that: (select two)
    1. The British and Americans had equal Imperialistic rights
    2. Americans were not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European power
    3. The U.S. would not interfere in Europe’s international affairs
    4. The British would not interfere in America


  1. Many countries did not recognize the Monroe Doctrine because:
    1. It was not recognized as an international law
    2. It heavily favored the Americans
    3. It restricted trading rights within Latin America
    4. It was old and out of date


  1. Spain's colonial governor in Cuba was characterized by the U.S. newspapers as a "fiendish despot, a brute, and an exterminator of men." Who was he?
    1. George Dewey
    2. Francisco Villa
    3. Valeriano Weyler
    4. Jose Marti


  1. Newspapers began to attempt to attract readers by using exaggerated reports, large headlines and comics.  What was this practice called?
    1. Muckraking
    2. Yellow Journalism
    3. Tabloids
    4. Sensationalism


  1.  The De Lôme Letter was:
    1. A letter urging the Mexicans to attack the United States and in return Spain would grant Mexico their independence
    2. A letter containing derogatory comments about President McKinley
    3. A letter containing Spanish plans to attack American battleships
    4. A letter containing degrading remarks about Theodore Roosevelt


  1. George Dewey was celebrated and promoted to admiral after a battle in what body of water?
    1. Manila Bay
    2. Havana Harbor
    3. Guantanamo Bay
    4. Laguna de Bay


  1. Theodore Roosevelt led a Calvary regiment that fought the Battle of San Juan Hill. They were called:
    1. Buffalo Soldiers
    2. Rough Riders
    3. The Militia Men
    4. Roosevelt’s Warriors


  1. The Foraker Act asserted what principle?
    1. Cuba became a free and independent nation
    2. The Philippines became a U.S. protectorate
    3. The U.S. was allowed to intervene in Guam
    4. The people of Puerto Rico were now citizens of Puerto Rico


  1. The Boxers in China rose up to:
    1. Expel foreigners from China
    2. Rid China of Christianity
    3. Remove Russia from Chinese territory
    4. Open trade in China to all countries


  1. In 1904, Russia and Japan were fighting over which territory in China?
    1. Mongolia
    2. Taiwan
    3. Manchuria
    4. Tibet


  1. The Russo-Japanese War was significant because:
    1. It established the United States as a world mediator
    2. It was the first time an Asian nation decisively defeated a European power
    3. Korea gained independence from Japan
    4. The Russians were no longer a world power


  1. What political position did Theodore Roosevelt NOT hold?
    1. Mayor of New York
    2. NY police commissioner
    3. Governor of New York
    4. Vice President


  1. The Roosevelt Corollary asserted that:
    1. The Dominican Republic was an independent nation
    2. The United States could intervene in Latin American affairs, not Europe
    3. The United States would not interfere in European affairs
    4. The United States would loan money to Latin American countries to ensure financial stability


  1. What treaty nullified the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty in order to remove obstacles in building a Latin American canal?
    1. The Bidlack Treaty
    2. The Treaty of Paris
    3. The Hay-Pauncefote Treaty
    4. The Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty


  1. The major problem Americans faced while building the canal consisted of:
    1. Materials being sent to another location
    2. Insurgent attacks
    3. Lack of sufficient funds
    4. Malaria and yellow fever


  1. President Wilson took which of the following actions to collapse Victoriano Huerta’s regime?
    1. Sent 6,000 troops to Mexico
    2. Removed an embargo on arms to Mexico
    3. Sponsored attacks by Francisco Villa on Huerta
    4. Nothing


  1. On March 9th, 1916, the first attack on U.S. soil since 1812 took place in New Mexico and was led by:
    1. Venustiano Carranza
    2. John J. Pershing
    3. Pancho Villa
    4. Victoriano Huerta


  1. The first U.S. military operation to employ mechanized vehicles was:
    1. The Spanish American War
    2. Pershing’s Punitive Expedition
    3. Mexican Revolution of 1911
    4. Battle of San Juan Hill


  1. Reconcentracion was a policy under which the civilian population was herded into fortified towns. Those outside were:
    1. Forced to leave the country
    2. Sent immediately to jail
    3. Forced to join Weyler’s army
    4. Subject to military actions


  1. America gained this naval base as a provision of the Platt Amendement:
    1. Manila Bay
    2. Guantanamo Bay
    3. Havana Harbor
    4. San Juan Hill


  1. The Hay-Pauncefote Treaty permitted the U.S. to build and control a canal on the condition that:
    1. The U.S. pay an annual rate of $250,000
    2. The canal remain neutral
    3. The canal would remain open to all ships even in wartime
    4. Britain would have equal ownership


  1. The Teller Amendment pledged that the U.S. would not annex this island once it was free and peace was restored:
    1. Cuba
    2. Philippines
    3. Guam
    4. Puerto Rico


  1. This military dictator ruled Mexico for over 30 years and granted favors to his followers and foreign investors:
    1. Pancho Villa
    2. Porfirio Diaz
    3. Venustiano Carranza
    4. Benito Juarez


  1. Pancho Villa and his bandits led this man and his army on a wild goose chase throughout Mexico
    1. George Dewey
    2. Archduke Maximilian
    3. Theodore Roosevelt
    4. John Pershing


  1. Philippe Bunau-Varilla led the fight for: 
    1. A canal route through Nicaragua
    2. Panama independence
    3. Ridding the swamps and jungles of mosquitoes in Panama
    4. Removing British opposition to a canal


  1. By the turn of the century, several nations had carved out trading areas in China. These areas were called:
    1. Imperialist nations
    2. Open door territories
    3. Spheres of Influence
    4. Asian base


  1. A campaign to rid the swamps and jungles of mosquitoes was led by this U.S. Army surgeon:
    1. Philippe Bunau-Varilla
    2. William C. Gorgas
    3. John Pershing
    4. John Hay




  1. The Oregon was the battleship that mysteriously was destroyed in Havana Harbor
    1. True                 b.  False


  1. San Juan Hill was the most famous battle of the Spanish American War
    1. True                 b.  False


  1. Henry Cabot Lodge was an avid anti-Imperialist
    1. True                 b.  False


  1. The United States purchased Alaska from Spain
    1. True                 b.  False


  1. The Battle of San Juan Hill was the first action of the Spanish American War
    1. True                 b.  False


  1. Napoleon III placed Archduke Maximilian on the Mexican throne in 1864 before he withdrew, leaving Maximilian vulnerable
    1. True                 b.  False


  1. Imperialism is the policy of extending the rule of one country over other countries or colonies
    1. True                 b.  False


  1. A blockade of Cuba’s northern coast and Port Santiago was an act of war
    1. True                 b.  False


  1. The Splendid Little War referred to the Battle of San Juan Hill
    1. True                 b.  False


  1. The Treaty of Portsmouth preserved Manchuria as part of China
    1. True                 b.  False


  1. President McKinley considered his presidency his “bully pulpit”
    1. True                 b.  False


ESSAY: (Answer ONE of the following questions) 14 pts.


1.  Describe the foreign affairs policies held by the United States during this time.  Were these policies successful? Why or why not.


2. Was the Imperialistic efforts of the U.S. during this time successful? Should the U.S. have attempted to gain the territories and land that they did? Why or why not?
