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Melinda Bell's Portfolio

You Ought to be in Pictures Activity




Picture #1:
1. Examine each person in the picture.  Describe their gestures, posture, clothing and facial expressions.  Who are these men?  Where are they from?  When was this picture taken?  What might these men be doing?
2. What might these men be thinking?  Describe what the following days may include.

Picture #2:
1. Examine each person in the picture.  Describe their gestures, posture, clothing and facial expressions.  Who are these men? (Specifically the one in the middle). What are they doing?
2. What might these men be saying?
Picture #3:
1. Examine the location of the picture. Note as many details as possible.  What do you observe about the people?  The buildings? Where and when might this picture have been taken?
2. Why are all these people gathered together?  What might they be doing? And why?
3. Describe what the following days may hold for these people.
